Welcome to Michu IT wiki
The following wiki was created with great care by Michael Reber. All documented topics have been tested and are working. Most know-how topics are publicly accessible, but are expressly intended for personal use only and not for publication on other sites. If you are interested in participating in this Wiki, you can send me an email to “michael.r467@gmail.com” and explain which topic you are familiar with. I will then create a personal account for you.
Warning: This is the old wiki of michu-IT and it isn't updated anymore.
Important: The new is found here: https://wiki.michu-it.com/ - Login needed.
Note: Please follow our documentation criteriums and put new stuff only inside correct place. If you are not sure, ask. Thanks
Server Installations
Installation instructions for different services under Rethat 7, CentOS 7, Debian Jesse, Ubuntu Server 16.04 and Windows Server 2016.
Redhat / CentOS | Installation guides and tutorials for Red Hat and CentOS 7 / 8 | |
Debian / Ubuntu | Installation instructions and tutorials for Debian & Ubuntu 16.04. | |
Linux / Unix Systeme | Knowledge collection and instructions on various topics under Linux / Unix. | |
Windows Systeme | Knowledge collection and instructions on various topics under Windows. | |
Container | Topics concerning container environments e.g. Podman, Docker and OpenShift |
Projects and development
Documentations and knowledge collections on active projects and general conditions. Example: Syntax, construction of PHP arrays or instructions for building an electronic device.
Mobile Section | Dokumentation über Mobile Entwicklungstechnik und Ablage von Projekten sowie Device Modding. | |
Web Development | Informationen über PHP, HTML, JS und CSS Techniken, sowie eine Ablage von verschiedenen CMS Praktiken. | |
Skripting Section | Skripte welche erstellt wurden “um sich das Leben zu erleichtern..” - Bash, PowerShell, Perl, Rubi und Batch | |
Programming Section | Theorie und Beispiele zu Sprachen wie C#, C++, Java und Python | |
Hardware Section | Diverse Anleitungen zum bauen oder auch updaten von Hardware Komponenten. |
Network and Security
Documentations and collections of knowledge on various aspects of a network Topics dealt with: Basic network building, network security, pentetration testing and more..
Auditing and Logging | System logging and auditing topics | |
Networking | All topics that directly and indirectly affect the basics of network. | |
Security and Hardening | Information on system hardenings and security topics | |
Penetrationstesting | Extensive documentation and knowledge collection on pentesting. |
Private documentations
Personal and company own server / network documentation. Below that is the section for all other topics.
M.Reber Dokus | Private reference books of configurations, of one's own infrastructure. | |
Partner Dokus | Reference books for server, network configurations, which were made for the respective companies. | |
Other topics | Various documentaries that have not already been placed in the above categories. |
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