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Nice to know Stuff

Find a spezific folder by name and delete it recursivly. Search down from current directory:

# find . -type d -name "@eaDir" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

michael@backup-server:/mnt/backup-disk/web$ find . -type d -name "@eaDir"
./download/files/programs/MorphVOX Pro/@eaDir

Find a spezific file by name and delete it. Search down from current directory:

# find . -type f -name "Thumbs.db" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

michael@backup-server:/mnt/backup-disk/web$ find . -type f -name "Thumbs.db"

Account Type: “Standard” or “Administrator”.

On the command line, run the command id or groups and see whether you are in the sudo group. On Ubuntu, normally, administrators are in the sudo group.

You may also have administrative access if you've been directly added to the list of sudoers — this is more likely if the administrator is familiar with Linux or Unix in general and didn't use the default Ubuntu method. Try running sudo echo ok and enter your password; if this prints ok, you're an administrator.

“grep” the available space from “df” output:

# df | grep -oP '/sda1.* \K\d+(?=\s+\d+%)'

michael@backup-server:~$ df | grep -oP '/sda1.* \K\d+(?=\s+\d+%)'

michael@backup-server:~$ df
Filesystem                            1K-blocks        Used   Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                              15039728     1152500    13243704   9% /
devtmpfs                                 470184           0      470184   0% /dev
tmpfs                                    474792           0      474792   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                    474792        6308      468484   2% /run
tmpfs                                      5120           4        5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs                                    474792           0      474792   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1                            41853       21327       20526  51% /boot
tmpfs                                     94956           0       94956   0% /run/user/1001
/dev/sda1                            1441091564   373256712   994561592  28% /mnt/backup-disk

Explanation: Here, we match /sda3, then as many characters as possible until we find a stretch of numbers (\d+) which is followed by one or more spaces (\s+), then one or more numbers (\d+) and a %. The foo(?=bar) construct is a positive lookahead, it allows you to search for the string foo only if it is followed by the string bar. The \K is a PCRE trick that means “discard anything matched up to this point”. Combined with -o, it lets you use strings that precede your pattern to anchor your match but not print them.

Without -P, things are trickier. You would need multiple passes. For example:

df | grep -o '/sda3.*%' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+ *[0-9]+%' | grep -Eo '^[0-9]+'

Split text on whitespace in terminal output

To split text on whitespace you can use grep. There’s an infinite amount of ways to do this. This is one of them.

# echo 'string --with ###ALLKINDS### 0f ::outputs' | grep -oP '[^\s]+'

# echo 'string --with ###ALLKINDS### 0f ::outputs' | grep -oP '[^\s]+'

  • linux/nice-to-know.1557154257.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/06 16:50
  • by michael