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skripting-section:bash:wireguard-vpn-server-setup [2019/05/07 12:15] michaelskripting-section:bash:wireguard-vpn-server-setup [2019/05/07 12:17] (current) – [WireGuard VPN Server Setup Skript] michael
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 This script will let you setup your own VPN server in no more than a minute, even if you haven't used WireGuard before. It has been designed to be as unobtrusive and universal as possible. This script will let you setup your own VPN server in no more than a minute, even if you haven't used WireGuard before. It has been designed to be as unobtrusive and universal as possible.
 +The script can be configured by setting the following environment variables:
 +  * ''INTERACTIVE'' - if set to "no", the script will not prompt for user input
 +  * ''PRIVATE_SUBNET'' - private subnet configuration, "" by default
 +  * ''SERVER_HOST'' - public IP address, detected by default
 +  * ''SERVER_PORT'' - listening port, picked random by default
 +  * ''CLIENT_DNS'' - comma serparated DNS servers to use by the client
 ===== Skript Sourcecode ===== ===== Skript Sourcecode =====
  • skripting-section/bash/wireguard-vpn-server-setup.1557224153.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/07 12:15
  • by michael