OpenShift Plattform Monitoring Skript
This script will run some basic tests on a given openshift platform. The eintension is to have a first state of the platform after having done updates, etc.
How to Use
Bei jedem Start wird eine kurze Beschreibung Anleitung angezeigt. Man muss sich jedes Mal auf der entsprechenden OSE Plattform einloggen. Es braucht für den Betrieb ein gültiges Host Inventory File. Es werden Angaben zum Login etc aus dem angegebenen Host Inventory File ausgelesen und angewendet, - so z.B. openshift_logging_master_public_url.
u229044@oseadmin01az1 admin$ ./ ../ansible/inventory/tss/ ========================================================== This script does some basic checks of a given OSE platform. you need to enter the path to the host inventory file Please be aware, that this script is only to be run on the two bastion hosts oseadmin01 and 02 from your personal account. You need OSE cluster admin privileges to run this script Please keep in mind, that your local ~/.kube/config will be erased on each run. The reason is to make sure you are working only on the OSE cluster of the given host file This is also the reason why you have to oc login on each run If you entcounter many ssh missing fingerprint messages: EXECUTE: # export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ========================================================== Please enter ansible vault password: Getting master cluster public hostname from ansible.. Log in on: Authentication required for (openshift) Username: USER Password: PASSWORD Login successful. . . .
Skript Sourcecode
#!/bin/bash # # abstract: This script will run some basic tests on a given openshift # platform. Th eintension is to have a first state of the # platform after having done updates, etc. # # To be able to have a defined context, when working on the bastion host, # one needs the input of a hosts inventory file. # # # run this script on bastion host # # author: M.Reber - Cloud Platform Team # date: 2019.08.19 #=================================================================== # #=================================================================== # tmpfile=$(mktemp) ansible_vault=$(mktemp) # # if script is interupted execute the cleanup function trap 'cleanup_function' exit # Function that gets executed on script interruption. cleanup_function () { # cleanup rm -f ${tmpfile} rm -f ${ansible_vault} } # echo "==========================================================" echo "This script does some basic checks of a given OSE platform." echo "" echo "you need to enter the path to the host inventory file" echo "" echo "Please be aware, that this script is only to be run on the two" echo "bastion hosts oseadmin01 and 02 from your personal account." echo "You need OSE cluster admin privileges to run this script" echo "Please keep in mind, that your local ~/.kube/config will" echo "be erased on each run. The reason is to make sure you are" echo "working only on the OSE cluster of the given host file" echo "This is also the reason why you have to oc login on each run" echo "" echo "If you entcounter many ssh missing fingerprint messages:" echo "EXECUTE: # export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False" echo "" echo "==========================================================" # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INITIAL SKRIPT ENV CHECKS: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check if the input parameter is the host inventory file of the platform invfile="${1}" if [[ ! -d "${invfile}" ]] ; then echo "Usage $0 ../ansible/inventory/otc_test03/" exit 1 fi if ! hostname --short | grep --silent oseadmin ; then echo "Run this script on bastion host oseadmin01 or oseadmin02 only, exit" exit 1 fi # echo Please enter ansible vault password: read -s ansible_vault_pw echo $ansible_vault_pw > $ansible_vault # echo "Getting master cluster public hostname from ansible.." master_url=https://$(ansible masters -i ${invfile} -m debug -a "var=openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $2}' | head -1 | sed 's/"//g'):8443 # # we need to get the cluster name out of the master_url and there # replace the "." (dot) with "-" (dash) # there is also need to cut the https:// off cluster_name=$(echo $master_url | tr . - | cut -d"/" -f3) # # this script should only run as unprivileged user if [[ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Error, run this script as unprivileged user." exit 1 fi # # here we log in to the cluster echo "Log in on: ${master_url}" oc login ${master_url} || exit $? # clear #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # START WITH CLUSTER CHECKS: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # check openshift_logging_master_public_url echo "==== Checking master_public_url health==" health=$(curl --silent ${master_url}/healthz) if [[ "${health}" != "ok" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] master_url ${master_url} health problem ${health}" else echo "[ OK ] master_url ${master_url} health is ${health}" fi echo "" # echo "==== Checking cluster globaly ===" cmd_status=`ansible masters -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "ps -ef | grep etcd | grep -v grep" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | grep -v etcd` if [[ "${cmd_status}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] not all etcd on masters present: ${cmd_status}" else echo "[ OK ] all etcd processes present" fi # first_master=$(ansible masters -i ${invfile} --list-host --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v hosts | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}') master_nodes=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes | grep master" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $1}') # # here we check the health status of the etcd cluster # this can be done by selecting the etcd container and passing etccmd_string="" for node in ${master_nodes} do if [[ "${etccmd_string}" == "" ]] ; then etccmd_string="https://${node}:2379" else etccmd_string="${etccmd_string},https://${node}:2379" fi done etccmd_string="${etccmd_string} --ca-file=/etc/etcd/ca.crt --key-file=/etc/etcd/peer.key --cert-file=/etc/etcd/peer.crt cluster-health" # # Checks OpenShift Cluster minor version.. 3.X. (Workaround if OpenShift is on 3.9..) if [[ $(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc version | grep openshift" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '.' -f2) != "9" ]] ; then # get docker container ID docker_id=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "docker ps | grep etcd_master-etcd" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS| awk '{print $1}') clus_stat=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "docker exec -t ${docker_id} etcdctl -C ${etccmd_string}" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep cluster | grep healthy) # if [[ "${clus_stat}" == "" ]] ; then # we got a negative result, cluster is not healthy echo "[ NOK ] etcd cluster does not show healthy result on master ${first_master}" ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "docker exec -t ${docker_id} etcdctl -C ${etccmd_string}" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} else echo "[ OK ] etcd cluster is healthy on master ${first_master}" fi else echo "In OpenShift 3.9 etcd service is a systemd service (not dockerised..) - checking service status" clus_stat=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "systemctl status etcd" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | grep "Active:" | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "${clus_stat}" == "active" ]] ; then echo "[ OK ] etcd cluster is healthy on master ${first_master}" else echo "[ NOK ] etcd cluster does not show healthy result on master ${first_master} error was:" ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "systemctl status etcd" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS fi fi # # here we check the reachability of all nodes cmd_status=$(ansible nodes -i ${invfile} --timeout=40 -a 'echo "success"' --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -vi SUCCESS) if [[ "${cmd_status}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] not all nodes reachable: ${cmd_status}" else echo "[ OK ] all nodes reachable by ansible and ssh" fi cmd_status=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes | grep -v Ready" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | grep -v NAME) if [[ "${cmd_status}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] review nodes, not all nodes are shedulable: ${cmd_status}" ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes | grep -v Ready" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS else echo "[ OK ] all nodes present and ready" fi cmd_status=$(oc get pods --all-namespaces | grep -v Running |grep -v Completed | grep -v NAMESPACE) if [[ "${cmd_status}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] there are Pods in not-ok status, review" oc get pods --all-namespaces | grep -v Running | grep -v Completed pod_errors=true fixable_errors=true else echo "[ OK ] all Pods running OK" fi echo "" # echo "==== Checking ha proxy pod presence ===" cmd_status=$(oc get pods --no-headers -n default | grep -v "1/1") if [[ "${cmd_status}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] review ha pods not all running: ${cmd_status}" oc get pods --no-headers -n default | grep -v "1/1" else echo "[ OK ] all needed Pods are runnig as desired READY 1/1" fi echo "" # echo "==== Checking HA Router Status ===" # we need to have all DC running the same number desired and current #oc get dc -n default for res in $(oc get dc --no-headers -n default | awk '{print $1}');do desnr=$(oc get dc --no-headers -n default | grep "^${res}" | awk '{print $3}') curnr=$(oc get dc --no-headers -n default | grep "^${res}" | awk '{print $4}') if [[ ${desnr} -ne ${curnr} ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] not equal DESIRED ${desnr} and CURRENT ${curnr} of DC Name ${res}" else echo "[ OK ] runnig DESIRED ${desnr} and CURRENT ${curnr} of DC Name ${res}" fi done # # here we need to check the image version if it is on the same level as the RPM package package_version=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "warn=false rpm -qa | grep atomic-openshift-node | cut -d '-' -f4" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v 'SUCCESS') echo "Checking image version of ha-router" router_name=$(oc get dc -n default | grep router | head -1 | awk '{print $1}') oc get dc -n default ${router_name} -o yaml | grep "image:" check_vers=$(oc get dc -n default ${router_name} -o yaml | grep "image:" | grep ${package_version}) if [[ "${check_vers}" == "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] OSE version of HA router is not equal like version ${package_version} in hosts file" else echo "[ OK ] OSE version of HA router is equal like version ${package_version} in hosts file" fi echo "" # echo "==== Checking openshift-monitoring ===" # OSE monitoring need to be running on each node # on each node we have a node-exporter # we have one pod alertmanager-main-1 and two prometheus-k8s oc get pods -n openshift-monitoring -o wide | sort -k 7 > ${tmpfile} for node in $(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes --no-headers" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $1}') do podfnd=$(grep ${node} ${tmpfile} | grep node-exporter| grep "2/2") if [[ "${podfnd}" == "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] pod node-exporter is not running 2/2 on node ${node}" else echo "[ OK ] pod node-exporter is running 2/2 on node ${node}" fi done echo "" prom_master_ste_1=$(grep prometheus-k ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f1) prom_master_ste_2=$(grep prometheus-k ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f1) prom_master_node=$(grep prometheus-k ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $7}') if [[ "${prom_master_ste_1}" != "${prom_master_ste_2}" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] pod prometheus-k8s is not running as desired ${prom_master_ste_1}/${prom_master_ste_2} on node ${prom_master_node}" else echo "[ OK ] pod prometheus-k8s is running as desired ${prom_master_ste_1}/${prom_master_ste_2} on node ${prom_master_node}" fi rm -f ${tmpfile} echo "" # We need to have a sematext-agent pod running on each node logging_proj=$(oc get projects| grep logging| awk '{print $1}' | tail -1) echo "==== Checking ${logging_proj} ===" oc get pods -n ${logging_proj} -o wide > ${tmpfile} for node in $(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes --no-headers" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $1}') do podfnd=$(grep ${node} ${tmpfile} | grep sematext-agent | grep "1/1") if [[ "${podfnd}" == "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] pod sematext-agent is not running 1/1 on node ${node}" docker_pod_id=$(ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "docker ps -a | grep sematext-agent-docker" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | grep -v FAILED | grep -v non-zero | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${docker_pod_id}" != "" ]] ; then ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "docker logs ${docker_pod_id}" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} else echo "no 'sematext-agent deployed'" fi else echo "[ OK ] pod sematext-agent is running 1/1 on node ${node}" fi done echo "" #for node in $(grep logging-es ${tmpfile}|awk '{print $7}') # do # pod_st_1=$(grep ${node} ${tmpfile} | grep logging-es| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f1) # pod_st_2=$(grep ${node} ${tmpfile} | grep logging-es| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f2) # if [ "${pod_st_1}" != "${pod_st_2}" ] ; then # echo "[ NOK ] pod logging-es is not running as desired ${pod_st_1}/${pod_st_2} on node ${node}" # else # echo "[ OK ] pod logging-es is running as desired ${pod_st_1}/${pod_st_2} on node ${node}" # fi #done #echo "" #for pds in curator kibana # do # pod_curator_ste_1=$(grep ${pds} ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f1) # pod_curator_ste_2=$(grep ${pds} ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f1) # pod_curator_node=$(grep ${pds} ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $7}') # if [ "${pod_curator_ste_1}" != "${pod_curator_ste_2}" ] ; then # echo "[ NOK ] pod ${pds} is not running as desired ${pod_curator_ste_1}/${pod_curator_ste_2} on node ${pod_curator_node}" # else # echo "[ OK ] pod ${pds} is running as desired ${pod_curator_ste_1}/${pod_curator_ste_2} on node ${pod_curator_node}" # fi #done rm -f ${tmpfile} echo "" # echo "===== Checking infra pods on each node, openshift-node and openshift-sdn ====" # on each node we need to have a logging, sync, ovs and snd pod running # the logging pods have already been tested, so one may test only # the projects openshift-node and openshift-sdn # we do have one pod in openshift-node but two pods per node in openshift-sdn for prj in openshift-node openshift-sdn do echo "" echo "==== Checking infra project ${prj} ===" oc get pods -n ${prj} -o wide > ${tmpfile} for node in $(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes --no-headers" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | awk '{print $1}') do pod_name=$(grep ${node} ${tmpfile} | awk '{print $1}') for pdn in ${pod_name} do pod_st_1=$(grep ${node} ${tmpfile}| grep ${pdn} | awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f1) pod_st_2=$(grep ${node} ${tmpfile}| grep ${pdn} | awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f2) if [[ "${pod_st_1}" != "${pod_st_2}" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] pod ${pdn} is not running as desired ${pod_st_1}/${pod_st_2} on node ${node}" else echo "[ OK ] pod ${pdn} is running as desired ${pod_st_1}/${pod_st_2} on node ${node}" fi done done rm -f ${tmpfile} done echo "" # searching for errors on masters messages log echo "==== Checking log errors on masters ===" # we need to check the syslog on each master for error messages mymonth=$(date +%b) myday=$(date +%d) for master_node in $(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes | grep master" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $1}') do ansible ${master_node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "grep error /var/log/messages | tail -n 10| grep ${mymonth} | grep ${myday} | grep -v ansible-command" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} > ${tmpfile} msg_fnd=$(grep error ${tmpfile}) if [[ "${msg_fnd}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] there are error messages in syslog in master ${master_node}, please review" ansible ${master_node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "grep error /var/log/messages | tail -n 10| grep ${mymonth} | grep ${myday} | grep -v ansible-command" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} else echo "[ OK ] no problems on master node ${master_node} found" fi done echo"" echo "==== Check for recent problems in systemd service logs ===" cmd_status=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc adm diagnostics analyzelogs" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep 'Completed' | grep -v 'no errors') if [[ "${cmd_status}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] one of the following services have a problem: ${cmd_status}" else echo "[ OK ] The service 'atomic-openshift-node' and 'docker' are working fine" fi echo "" # testing nfs cluster storage echo "==== Checking cluster persistent storage ===" # we need to check the syslog on each node for refused messages for node in $(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes --no-headers" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v master) do ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "grep refused /var/log/messages | tail -n 10| grep ${mymonth} | grep ${myday} | grep -v ansible-command | grep -v 'dial tcp'" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} > ${tmpfile} msg_fnd=$(grep refused ${tmpfile}) if [[ "${msg_fnd}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] there are storage refused messages in syslog on node ${node}" echo "${msg_fnd}" else echo "[ OK ] no storage connection problems on node ${node} found" fi ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "systemctl is-active rpcbind.service" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} > ${tmpfile} rpcbind_stat=$(grep -v active ${tmpfile} | grep -v SUCCESS) if [[ "${rpcbind_stat}" != "" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] service rpcbind is not active on node: ${node}" ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "systemctl status rpcbind.service" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} fixable_errors=true rpcbind_errors=true echo "------------------------------------------------------------" else echo "[ OK ] service rpcbind is active and running - ${node}" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" fi done echo "" # echo "==== Checking openshift-web-console ===" oc get pods --no-headers -n openshift-web-console -o wide | grep -vi completed > ${tmpfile} for pde in $(cat ${tmpfile} | awk '{print $1}') do pod_st_1=$(grep ${pde} ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f1) pod_st_2=$(grep ${pde} ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $2}'| cut -d"/" -f2) pod_node=$(grep ${pde} ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $7}') if [[ "${pod_st_1}" != "${pod_st_2}" ]] ; then echo "[ NOK ] pod ${pde} is not running as desired ${pod_st_1}/${pod_st_2} on node ${pod_node}" else echo "[ OK ] pod ${pde} is running as desired ${pod_st_1}/${pod_st_2} on node ${pod_node}" fi done echo "" #echo "==== Create an application and test that it deploys correctly ===" # TODO # Step 1 - create new test namespace: #ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc create namespace ose-platform-test" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS # Step 2 - add new test app #ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc new-app --template=deploy-image -p DEPLOYMENT=ose-plattform-test -p IMAGE_NAME=marthaler/demoapp -p NETWORK_PORT=8080 -n ose-platform-test" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS ## Check here if Pod is deployed correctly. # Expose service #ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc expose svc/ose-plattform-test -n ose-platform-test" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS #app_route=$(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get route ose-plattform-test --no-headers -n ose-platform-test" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $2}') #diag_result=$(cat ${tmpfile} | grep Completed | grep "no errors") #if [[ "${diag_result}" != "" ]] ; then # echo "[ OK ] application test deploy was sucessfuly" #else # echo "[ NOK ] diagnositcs application test deploy problem, please review" # cat ${tmpfile} #fi #else # echo "sorry no internet access from cluster. - can't deploy test-image from redhat" #fi #echo "" #echo "==== Check the integrated heapster metrics can be reached via the API proxy ===" #ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc adm diagnostics metricsapiproxy" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} > ${tmpfile} 2>&1 #diag_result=`cat ${tmpfile} | grep Completed | grep "no errors"` #if [ "${diag_result}" != "" ] ; then # echo "[ OK ] diagnositcs MetricsApiProxy" #else # echo "[ NOK ] diagnositcs MetricsApiProxy problem, please review" #fi # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTIONAL MAINTENANCE TASKS: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo "######################################################################################################" echo "" echo "===== Maintenance Tasks ====" echo "" echo "######################################################################################################" echo "" if [[ "${fixable_errors}" ]] ; then # if [[ "${pod_errors}" ]] ; then echo "==== Delete failed and crashed pods? ===" echo "y/n:" read delete_pods_now if [[ "${delete_pods_now}" == "y" ]] ; then oc get pods --no-headers --all-namespaces | grep -v Running | grep -v Completed > ${tmpfile} for pod_name in $(cat ${tmpfile} | awk '{print $2}') do pod_namespace=$(grep ${pod_name} ${tmpfile}| awk '{print $1}') oc delete pod $pod_name -n $pod_namespace done fi fi # if [[ "${rpcbind_errors}" ]] ; then echo "==== Try to restart all failed rpcbind services? ===" echo "y/n:" read restart_rpcbind_now if [[ "${restart_rpcbind_now}" == "y" ]] ; then for node in $(ansible ${first_master} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "oc get nodes --no-headers" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v master) do rpcbind_node_status=$(ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "systemctl is-active rpcbind.service" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} | grep -v SUCCESS) if [[ $rpcbind_node_status != "active" ]] ; then ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "systemctl restart rpcbind.service && systemctl enable rpcbind.service" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} ansible ${node} -i ${invfile} -m shell -a "systemctl status rpcbind.service" --vault-password-file=${ansible_vault} fi done fi fi # else echo "notihing to do.. Everyting is all right. ;)" fi